So Wedding Bells...Snaps

So it has been a while since my last blog... most probably because i have been busy with one event.... "Weddings", i.e. attending friends weddings and also planning my own wedding!

On the topic of friends weddings i had the honour of taking photos of one of my longest friends, a mate i have known since Kindergarten!

You can view the photos here:

Pre Wedding Photos

Wedding Photos

It was great fun and we were very lucky due to the wet weather!

So i was thinking in this blog i will talk about some of the key points that are important in a successful wedding photo session. Now this should not be taken as a 100% complete list but rather just some of the key points i think if you are thinking of taking photos at a wedding, you should consider:

1. Plan Ahead: Very very very and yes very important, make sure you sit down with the bride and groom weeks in advance and plan your shots, ask them if they wanted any particular shots, ask them who (e.g. Parents, Siblings, Grandparents etc.) must they get a photo with and most important make sure you know the schedule and how you will take each particular shots.

2. Prepare your Gear: Check and double check your gear as on the day you will not have time to run back to your car to pick up equipment or even worst run back home to pick up. Also consider where your photo session will be for example if you are taking photos at the beach you might consider bringing your gear on a belt with lens cases so everything is accessible and you don't need to get sand all over your gear. Another good example is understanding the type of camera settings you can prepare for, the camera settings used for daylight or indoor or night photography is different. One question i get asked all the time, you can't buy a DSLR and put it in AUTO mode and expect great photos for all scenarios...  It just pays to be organised and research how to photograph in different conditions.

3. Know your Gear: So if the Wedding is in a old church then you know lighting might be an issue, so make sure you know which lens/flash combo would do the job. Selecting the right lens is very important, even if you don't have a pro lens, try and understand where your location is and work out if you need a telephoto/wide angle, what sort of lighting is available, would you need a flash? I personally love to take my 50mm F1.4 (Yep bokehlicious), I might run into trouble if I am not close enough but if I am just attending a wedding they will have the wedding photographers to take those photos but you can be there taking friends/family photos, more "creative" photos of the wedding itself and the bride and groom will appreciate your photos with a different perspective.

4.  Have the right attitude: This to me is the most important; you have to have the right attitude, be open to suggestions, be professional, be courteous and respect the occasion. Yes it is your job to get the shot and the shot could be amazing however if you leave a bad impression to the guest or ruin the moment then it’s not worth it. Leaving a good impression, having fun with the guest, making the people feel comfortable will make the job much more enjoyable.

Just some things to think about, be it you are a pro or just a friend taking photos at a wedding, consider the points i mentioned above, plan ahead, know your gear and having the right attitude are all good points to think about before you goto your next wedding with your camera!

Happy Snapping!