Japan Gallery finally finished

I have finally completed reviewing my photos, it has taken a while but have been distracted lately and i apologise but nevertheless the photos are finally up.

The i have combined all the photos into the renamed "Japan" gallery which is avaiable at the the following link

Click here for Portal into Japan

i have combined both galleries and over time i will slowly cut down to proably just my top ten! You can help by leaving a comment below or emailing me which one is your favourite and if you are lucky it could influence my decision! :-P

So i am not sure from my previous blogs if you have not noticed JAPAN is very beautiful and very worthwhile to go, i would not say my japanese is very good or even exisitant but everyone is very friendly and lanuage is not a barrier!! so please go if you have the chance!

So i really do hope that you enjoy my photos as i don't think my photos did Japan any justice!!

I am looking for a new project to work on, Christmas is coming up and i do have some time after new years to start on a new project and i have some ideas in my mind! so please stay tuned! All i can say is that it will be Landscape shots!

Otherwise please leave a comment/like/facebook like/facebook comment/email/twitter comment or good zen! As i do appreciate your feedback!

P.S i have also included in this blog some photos which i liked but for whatever particular reasons just didn't make the gallery!

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays

Signing Off


Ho Ho Ho!