Japan Gallery Up!!

I am happy to announce that Japan Gallery is up!

I finally finished part 1 of my Japan trip i have picked my top 20 photos from the first 3 days which was in the cities of Osaka and Kyoto.

I have to admit that i did go a bit shutter happy however if you know just how beautiful Kyoto is you would understand my "Carpe diem" moment!

I hope to have captured just some of the beautiful scenes that we saw, but i don't think my photos does it much justice!

To access the Gallery please click on the following link:


Or on the left menu click on the following:

Portfolio -> Japan - Part 1

Part 2 will come soon!

Please feel free to leave comments and likes :-)

P.S i have sneaked in a couple of other photos which just got cut in this blog entry below!



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