A Japanese Hangover

So now we have been back for just over a week and I've had some time to reflect upon my trip.

During the week there was times, i was day dreaming that i was a Japanese Ronin roaming the streets of Tokyo enjoying the culinary delights that Japan had to offer and then i would smell smoke... and then realise i was back in bushfire season Sydney.... ... 

I went to see the doctor about it and Dr Dam said i was suffering from a common sickness called Japanese Hangover! Dam... is there a cure? i hope so!

So how was it? Would you go there again? Did you challenge a Sumo? Did you see Astro Boy? Did you catch a Pokemon?

The answers are Yes, Yes, Didn’t see a Sumo but was there ever a doubt i would loose? Astro boy lives in my heart and I don’t need to see him physically! Pokemons… are not real!! just like leprechauns, unicorns and unlimited buffets... ... there is always a closing time!!

Japan is a wonderful place and upon reflection, after surviving a Typhoon, 7.3 magnitude earth quake and the barrage of crying babies on the flight back I would still say that I enjoyed this trip.  

Some highlights of the trips are:

-  Itsukushima Shrine – a Giant red gate in the middle of the Bay, with awesome super steep mountains as a backdrop, crazy paper eating deer’s and awesome chocolate maple shaped sweets and did i mention this is a world heritage site?

-   Osaka Dotonbori – shopping crazy central probably around 10 – 20 japan sized blocks of shops and the best Octopus balls (Takoyaki) I have ever tasted!

-    Kobe Steak – Steak that melts in your mouth and not to mention it probably puts a hole in your wallet too. Is it worth the price? YES!! But… can I afford more than 10 grams? Maybe in my dreams… … (*self-mental note* I need to work harder and make more money so I can afford Kobe Steak for breakfast/lunch and dinner!) or maybe I can just grow my own Kobe Cow.. and name him Jersey… :-P

-    Sanjūsangen-dō – a Buddhist temple located in the Higashiyama district of Kyoto , officially known as Rengeō-in (hall of the Lotus King) contains 1000 life-size status of the thousand armed Kannon! Yes 1000 imagine the dusting… unfortunately no photos were allowed to be taken within the temple but please go and Google it.. a great place!

-     Food in General – now Sydney/Australian Japanese food I would consider to be quite good, but when I tried the authentic Japanese good in japan… well there is no going back, even the super market sushi (which was marked down (after 7 pm) to $1.5 AUD for 8 pieces of sushi whilst in Sydney that would cost me at least $5) was so much tastier! Ramen was excellent and yes it’s true soft-serve ice cream in japan in super creamy!

-    Whisky – Ok Whisky lovers I got to try the following: Hibiki 12 years/ Hibiki 17 years/  Hakushu Single Malt / Yamasaki 12 years and Yamasaki 18 years (special mention… it was AWESSOME!), every drop was tasty! The international labels were international prices but the local Japanese whisky’s were cheap and super tasty because it was in japan. Point to note depending on what you wanted to get, the airport (smaller range) is cheaper than outside in the city.  Japanese whisky is underrated and is the dark horse of the whisky world!

-   Theme Parks: Adventured in Tokyo Disney Land and Osaka Universal Studios, Japan has an abundant of Theme parks (Lego Land I will visit you next time!), people dress up and not just the kids the whole family dresses up makes the whole experience so much more enjoyable!

I should probably stop with the highlights before I put some of you asleep, but we had some time before our flight back and we had a time to make a list! But before I get into trouble I would like to mention of course my biggest highlight was to share another adventure with my beautiful and very very understanding fiancé!

Now I left one important point out, Japan is a great place for photography; it has an amazing range of scenic locations for the landscape photographer and also one of the biggest cities in the world for street photographers! It is after all the birthplace of Canon, Nikkon and the thousand click per sec camera button pressing technique!

I will soon upload my japan photos (I took over 60 GB (shot in RAW) and over 2000 photos) I am only up to day 3 of the trip but will try and get the photos up as soon as possible and you can be the judge if japan is the right place for you to photograph!

If you click on Portfolio -> Tokyo/Osaka

There is a form you can fill out and once my photos are up I will be able to inform you!

Ja Mata Ne (See you later)


The Daydreamer!